Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Another great ride, this one a bit longer than usual. Unfortunately, Uriah had a difficulty or two. Or three. Nothing that couldn't be worked out without The Official TNR Hammer.

A cool statue. It almost seems to be patiently waiting for those horrid little machines to go away..

Amazing sunset.

Two guys, one hammer.

Oh, Dave..

The route:

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009


My favorite parts?
  • Turning right (on Stevens) off a route we ALWAYS go straight on
  • The motocross course on Stevens
  • Portland roundabout
  • Not seeing the Pilot waving from the plane but knowing it happened
  • The Civil War vs WWI re-enactment
  • Seeing the official MN Coast Guard Canoe
Not so thrilled about the cold rain on the way home from "The Rest" and I need to up the sampling rate on my GPS for these rides, but otherwise:


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Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Another great TNR. Not too cold, not too hot. Beautiful night and a happy end at the Happy Gnome! Mmmm... Surly Coffee Bender..

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ah.. TNR

Dave uses my hammer to reattach his exhaust

.. while many people wait and post on facebook...

And here is where we went...